Pavel Volya will perform a big stand-up concert in Dubai | Tickets

The most famous Russian comedian Pavel Volya will perform in Dubai on 6 January. The performance will take place at one of the world's best venues ‘Coca-Cola Arena’. 

Pavel Volya is a Russian entertainer, TV presenter, actor, participant of the TV show ‘Comedy Club’, TV presenter and producer, children's writer, poet and in the past even a bit of a rapper.

Before participating in Comedy Club he was a member of the KVN-team ‘Valeon Dasson’, together with his friends Timur Rodriguez and Leonid Shkolnik. Then in his life there was a period of work as a presenter of TV programmes ‘Kuboynaya Liga’ and ‘Laughter without Rules’. Now he hosts ‘Comedy Battle’ on TNT channel, as well as ‘Voli Show’, which has become a great alternative to the defunct programme ‘Evening Urgant’. Released rap albums ‘Respect and Respect’ and ‘Miracles Happen’.

This artist is well known to Russian and foreign viewers, and his standups gather full houses. Of course, not knowing, or poorly knowing the Russian language, it will not be easy to understand his jokes, because behind Volya's back philological education. 

In 2023, Pavel Volya and Lyaisan Utyasheva became hosts of new TV projects - the project ‘Survive in Dubai’ and ‘Survive in Samarkand’. Pavel also had his own guest programme ‘The Volya Show’ on TNT TV channel. The programmes were quickly loved by viewers, as, indeed, everything that the star couple does. Charismatic artiste, sharp on the tongue perfectly knows his audience, and pleases with his talent a loyal army of fans. Pavel Volya is on the 33rd place of celebrities according to Forbes magazine - his raving success is due to the fact that the artist really works very hard, has a busy schedule of touring and filming. Unlike many of his colleagues, whose success was facilitated by rich patrons, Volya achieved everything himself. When the young artist only moved to Moscow, he even managed to work as a builder. The road to fame was not easy and very thorny, but for years on stage Volya made of himself an influential and major figure in the world of domestic humour. Perhaps, in Russia, there is not a person who would not know who this skinny, sharp-tongued ‘glamour scumbag’ is.

Tickets for Pavel Voli's big stand-up show in Dubai are new jokes from the best comedian of the country, because, as you know, the artiste does not repeat his witticisms twice. It is also sure to be brilliant improvisations, because he is a master of making jokes on the fly, and this is one of the features of his big stand-ups.


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