Valery Meladze's concert in Dubai

 On 7 January 2024, The Agenda will host Valery Meladze's concert in Dubai where he will perform his hits including "The Night Before Christmas Eve", "Sera", "White Moth Sambo", "Beautiful", "Salute, Vera", "Old Year", "Turn Around", "I Can't Do Without You" and many others.

Recently, Russian listeners have had the opportunity to hear old and soulful songs of Valery Meladze only outside Russia. The artist spent most of 2023 on tour, performing in various countries including Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Georgia and others. In 2024, he will continue his touring schedule, including performances in Paris, Amsterdam, Zurich, Geneva, Nice, Stockholm, Belgrade, and several cities in the United States. His show will also be available to those who purchase tickets for his concert in Dubai, and they will be the first to hear and see the artist perform in the new year 2024.

Valery Meladze also has two concerts scheduled in Yerevan in January. On 20 and 21 January, Russian fans will be able to attend his performances, which will not be far from here.


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