Zemfira in Dubai

 Before the New Year, Zemfira Ramazanova will perform a big concert at the Majinat Jumeirah in Dubai.

She is admired, she is condemned, but absolutely no one and never since the appearance of Zemfira Ramazanova on the musical sky has remained indifferent to her and her work.

For the first time about the singer named Zemfira the world learnt with the release in 1999 of the first album with the same name. Before that, a talented girl from Ufa collected her own music group, wrote songs and in every way prepared for a great starry future. She started to be interested in music when she was still in preschool. Music and basketball were her real hobbies, to which she devoted almost all her free time. Both in sports and in creativity she had great success, but she decided to leave basketball, and chose music career as the main business of her life.

The first album "Zemfira" became a real breakthrough. The image of a tomboyish girl, more like a boy with a guitar became for Russian music lovers something completely new and bold, and interesting lyrics and catchy melodies and charming at all. For many years she became the personification of female Russian rock.

A total of 8 albums in the discography of the artist:

  • "Zephira";
  • "Forgive Me My Love" ("PMML");
  • "Fourteen Weeks of Silence";
  • "Vendetta";
  • "Thank You";
  • "Living in Your Head";
  • "Borderline."
  • "Ah."

Each record gave us several first-class hits, which at one time hit the top of radio charts in Russia and other CIS countries. With her songs she travelled almost all over Russia, visited many foreign countries, where her performances also aroused great interest of listeners.

The record "Borderline" became a long-awaited album, recorded after eight years of silence. It became a kind of rethinking of creativity and life of the singer. In support of the new disc, the singer gave several big concerts in Russia and a number of performances abroad.

 In 2022, she released a new mini-album "Zemfira by Luke", recorded together with her nephew. With the beginning of the military special operation in Telegram-channels and information sites not only appeared publications that the artist finally moved to France and even received citizenship of this country. There is no official confirmation of these information, but in early 2023 the singer was included in the list of foreign agents and banned from performing in Russia. The singer herself called the rumours about citizenship unreliable. She filed a lawsuit demanding to recognise the decision to include her in the list of foreign agents as illegal, but was refused. Now Russian fans of her creativity can visit the live performance of the artist only in other countries of the world. This spring, the singer performed in the Arab Emirates.

Zemfira's concert in Dubai

Zemfira's New Year's Eve concert in Dubai will take place on the Medinat Jumeirah stage on 23 December 2023. The singer will delight fans with her 100 per cent hits as well as new works from her last two albums. Everyone who will be at the upcoming performance of the idol of generations will be lucky enough to see a grandiose musical show.

If you have not yet managed to buy tickets for Zemfira's concert in Dubai you have literally the last opportunity to get them, so do not waste time and hurry to make an order.


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